Sunday, August 22, 2010

The start of it all...

So this is my first post and my first blog ever, kinda don't know what to say...

Maybe a little short history on myself then? Well by trade I'm a marketing student and got into the mtb thing about 5 years ago via my uncle. Did my first race in '06 that was it for me, the bug had bitten ! I came back the next year and improved my time by 45 minutes :)

I'm currently 3rd in the open male group in my local half-marathon series, still 2 races left so we'll see if I can improve on that.  I recently also started to do some trail running as cross training, did my first race as well and I'm loving it so far !

Gadgets and gear is also a passion of mine, so I'll be giving you guys the heads up on any cool new stuff that comes onto my radar.

Yeah, guess that just about sums it up. Keep visiting the blog for regular updates from my side.

See you on the trails !

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